Donate Today!
Friends of Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts has made it easy for supporters to donate.
Available donation options:
1. Credit card through online single or recurring donation
2. Payroll deductions: pre-authorized recurring donation arranged through your employer. Please
provide our registered charity #85619 1549 RR 0001 to your employer
3. Cheque: payable to Friends of Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts, mailed to/dropped off at the
School Office of CCAA along with a completed donation form
Address: Friends of Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts
36 Greenfield Avenue, Toronto, ON M2N 3C8
4. Cash: in-person donation to the School Office of CCAA along with a completed donation form.
5. United Way Designated Gift option
United Way has annual fundraising campaigns that reach out to employees of private companies
and government organizations. Donations to United Way can be directed to Friends. These types
of donations are called Designated Gifts.
The process is simple. When you receive a contribution request form from United Way, simply
provide Friends full name and registered charitable number
Friends of Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts
Charitable Number: 85619 1549 RR 0001
United Way will process your donation and issue you a charitable receipt. They will forward your
designated gift to Friends.
Please note:
There is a minimum $26 per designated gift.
There is a $12 fee to cover administrative costs that United Way incurs through this method
of donation.
If your employer provides a United Way employee-giving campaign, or manages one directly,
you can support Friends by designating our charitable number. Ask your Employer about directing
your donation to a charity of your choice, or ask your United Way agency about their Designated
Gift option.
Please select a method of payment: